December 31, 2006


On the spiritual side, my efforts continue at the casa with John of
God, who I call Elvis. I sit in meditation and prayer and try to
connect with the healing energy available from above and at the casa.
My faith is always intact but my enthusiasm runs the range from high to
low given how I feel that day. Some days I feel blissful physical
vibrations in my body, I am thankful to be alive, for my children and I
feel connected to all around me. Other days I am frustrated, tired of
my predicament and doubtful. The spirit vs. body.

Something new for me--Oselinda and I have been reading the Bible. As a
Catholic, I am embarrassed to admit that I previously never read the
Bible. I was too skeptical, too cool and above it all. She bought an
English/Portuguese bible that's easy to read together. We usually read
just a little bit at a time and follow-up with prayer. It is a great
teaching, obviously an engaging story and never fails to inspire and
shift my perspective, which is needed daily.

We again are trying to get a visa to the U.S. for Oselinda, which is an
extraordinarily difficult task as 99% of all Brazilians are denied (the
heavy exodus of Brazilians to the U.S. in recent years has prompted a
very strict policy with the State Department). We were unexpectedly
denied the 1st time and we have applied for reconsideration. Our
tactic is for me to acquire residency status here in Brazil and to
better document Oselinda's ties with Brazil (need to demonstrate that
she has every motive to return to Brazil). My hope is that we'll get
a big break and I'll soon be home with my children and Oselinda in
California (with me being spectacularly healthy, of course). No harm
in dreaming big!

Israel stem cell
Another dilemma topic. Highly reputable doctors from Hadassah
University Hospital in Israel have agreed to treat me with a very
experimental bone marrow stem cell treatment in January 2007. I will
have to be there for 2 months. It's probably the most logical treatment
available at this time for ALS and the science makes sense. However, I
am not convinced that it will really work. The procedure has a great
history for leukemia, some history for MS and virtually none for ALS.
Several ALS patients have tried the treatment with some benefit, but
there are not available for discussion. As expected, two stem cell
experts in the U.S. I spoke with discouraged me from pursuing this
treatment because the lack of science and suggested I wait for
something better.

Hmm…time is not my friend and I ask myself what better do I have to do
with 20K and a month or two? Dr. Moviglia in Argentina? (been there,
done that). Dr. Huang in China? (3-month bounce and then poof).
Dominican Republic "stem cells"? (dubious). Snake toxin? (an ALS buddy
tried this—it doesn't work). Mexico infirmary BS? Wait 10 years for
embryonic stem cells in US? Or do nothing other than BNG (Chinese
herbs) and John of God in Brazil--not a bad combo but only of some
effect and for (probably) a finite period of time. I need to make some

I think of JFK, one of personal heroes, who once said to a gathering of
university students:

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face
is marred by dust and sweat and blood.... who knows the great
enthusiasms, the great devotions: who spends himself at a worthy cause;
who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and....if
he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never
be with those cold timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

I know that I am squarely within the arena with sweat, dust and blood.
I refuse sit on my hands and I am hopeful that a miracle is within me!

Stay tuned and I'll let you know how this turns out.

Many blessings and all my love,


Ps. Hey, you are invited to come stay with me in Brazil. Be bold, come
check it out—good times guaranteed.

David Ames
Larkspur, Calif. 415 927-1493
Abadiania, Brazil 011 5562 3343 1482
Skype; david.ames


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